The 3 Best Beltronics STI Radar Detectors (2023 reviews)

beltronics sti radar detectors
Are you planning to buy beltronics sti radar detectors, and are you confused about the options ? You have come to the right page.

Our review process:

Our Top Picks:

Escort Beltronics STI Radar Detector

Radar Mount Radar Detector

Radar Mount Beltronics STI Radar Detector

Escort Beltronics STI Radar Detector

Escort Beltronics STI Radar Detector
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The escort beltronics sti radar detector is the best reliable detector on the market today. It is perfect for basic radars from this brand. It works with beltronics v8 perfect. The original power cord has a button to shut the sound off when it goes off, but this one does not have that feature, not a big deal. The coil is so tight that it has pulled the escort off the window a couple of times. This cord is very reasonable and works great. It works fine with just no button on the plug end to turn the sound of the radar detector off. This product is great for a base application.

Why We Like This:
  • Good priced power cord for radar
  • Set up was easy and quick
  • Connection is very solid to the v1 port

Radar Mount Radar Detector

Radar Mount Radar Detector
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The radar mount radar detector should be able to handle its purpose and duties with ease. The Radar Detector can be moved around with ease. It is made with solid parts that should last a long time. It should fit any mirror that is mounted to the windshield. The two joints on the mount tighten enough to hold the weight of your detector with little to no movement. The clip for the radar detector also keeps the unit nice and steady, with no bounce or shake.

The clasp that grips the mirror stem is just straight metal teeth and will take off the finish to your mirror's stem very easily if the mount moves. It is a very good mounting system for electronics in your car. It comes with two sizes of mounting screws to fit small and larger mirror arms.

Why We Like This:
  • Plenty of room and it works fine
  • A great way to mount your radar detector especially if you change vehicles often
  • Great combination with the beltronics radar detector

Radar Mount Beltronics STI Radar Detector

Radar Mount Beltronics STI Radar Detector
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The radar mount beltronics sti radar detector's material feels more premium than its price would suggest. It is compatible with the beltronics v8 radar detector and it mounts on the arm between the winsheild and and the mirror so it should. The mount is universal as it clamps around the arm coming from the window to the mirror. The mount fits perfectly and the wire works like a charm after you connect the positive (red) to pin 13 and your negative (black) to pin 8 in the connector in the back of the mirror.

The mount itself is great and very well made. The sturdy of the bracked are great. The power cord is used with rear view mirrors that have an autodimming feature. The mount is nice, solid, and super adjustable.

Why We Like This:
  • Installs in minutes to most vehicles
  • Very easier to install and looks great
  • Keeps wires out of the way