The 4 Best Ivy Wash Poison Ivy cleansers (2023 reviews)

ivy wash poison ivy cleansers
Are you planning to buy ivy wash poison ivy cleansers, and are you confused about the options ? You have landed on the right page.

Our review process:

Our Top Picks:

Tecnu special Cleanser

Tecnu Ivy Wash Poison Ivy Cleanser

Tecnu Extreme Ivy Wash Poison Ivy Cleanser

Ivyx Ivy Wash Poison Ivy Cleanser

Tecnu special Cleanser

Tecnu special Cleanser
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Not everyone likes to purchase cleanser for their regular usage, but the tecnu special cleanser would be an anomoly. The Tecnu Original outdoor skin cleanser is a unique poison ivy soap designed to remove the rash-causing oil (urushiol) from your skin, and other contaminated areas, after exposure to poison ivy, poison oak and poison sumac plants. It is great choices for use on an active rash to help with the itching, swelling and oozing. It can be added to laundry, clean off your tools, and is also great at removing sap.

This skin cleanser may very well prevent any rash from forming. It is highly effective in removing poison plant oils, but it does not have any physical exfoliating agents in it. It is easy to apply to a small cotton pad before applying to the skin. It is also great for use on an active rash to help with the itching, swelling and oozing. It really eradicate any sort of rash from gardening/weeding (and not poison ivy or poison oak), it will take care of it after a few consistent washes.

Why We Like This:
  • Works on washing off poison oils that spread
  • A must for midwest gardeners and hikers
  • Works well to prevent getting poison oak
  • Good product for pre-rash pi exposure treatment

Tecnu Ivy Wash Poison Ivy Cleanser

Tecnu Ivy Wash Poison Ivy Cleanser
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The tecnu ivy wash poison ivy cleanser's material feels more premium than its price would suggest. It is an over-the-counter pharmaceutical manufacturer that specializes in innovative topical applications. It is referred to as an oil, it really is more like a resin in regards to how it can attach to skin. It really does work to help get rid of poison ivy oils even if you already have a spot you can wash it to help with treating it. It works well if used immediately when gardening day is finished.

This stuff really works and allows you to wash away the toxic oil from the ivy. It can remain on these items for months or even years at a time. It is great choices for use on an active rash to help with itching, swelling and oozing.

Why We Like This:
  • Awesome for getting poison ivy off hands, gloves, tools, shoes
  • A must have for people who spend time in the woods
  • Easy to use and works as expected
  • Excellent for removing poison oak oil if used right away

Tecnu Extreme Ivy Wash Poison Ivy Cleanser

Tecnu Extreme Ivy Wash Poison Ivy Cleanser
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Tecnu Extreme makes beautiful and great cleanser with classic and smartly choosen materials. Tecnu products are designed for those who you will love the outdoors, adventure and exploring. It’s the incredible durability of urushiol on skin, clothing and surfaces, including pet fur. It works for any skin irritation with plant oils, even nettle/thistles. This stuff works SO well for poison oak and bug bites. It helps soothe and takes away the itch within minutes after applying. If you have poison ivy or poison oak, this will take care of it.

This stuff is great for gently exfoliating and relieving you of the itch. It works even for farmers.

Why We Like This:
  • Stops the itch immediately and helps dry up the rash quicker
  • A sovereign cure for poison ivy
  • Best product for immediate treatment of poison ivy
  • Works fast, gives some itching relief and most importantly it prevents spreading

Ivyx Ivy Wash Poison Ivy Cleanser

Ivyx Ivy Wash Poison Ivy Cleanser
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The ivyx ivy wash poison ivy cleanser is capable of outshining several other cleanser featured in this list in overall features for the price point. This product works great on poison Ivy, pre treatment and after you get posion ivy it clears it up. The Cleanser, for missed places, quickly kills pain and promotes healing.

Why We Like This:
  • Washes off easily with soap and water
  • Good investment for long term